Apr 24, 2018
The BookBully is in the midst of a horrible reading slump. In this mini-episode she talks about how she combats periods like this, the ones that every avid reader dreads.
Apr 10, 2018
With a new puppy in the house, The BookBully chats about books featuring dogs. From a childhood favorite to a BFF memoir, there's something for every reader.
Mar 27, 2018
The (Boomer) BookBully chats with Alex Ward about his reading habits and those of his fellow Millennials. Just what the heck is a "Borgel" and are podcasts the new paperbacks?
Mar 13, 2018
The BookBully chats about the books she's read in 2018. And mentions a couple of books that landed in the DNF - Did Not Finish - column.
Feb 27, 2018
The BookBully reminisces about several of her favorite mystery novels and laments about popular ones that left her cold. Fortunately, there are several new entrees that have renewed her faith in this popular genre.